
Read MoreWhat is HTML and CSS?

What is HTML and CSS?

Welcome to Part 2 of our simple site design tutorial. Hopefully the coffee and music post rocket is ready for you! In the previous session we mentioned that the first step to designing a site is to learn very nice html and css languages and we were going to learn these two languages step by step.What is HTML? HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language, the language of markup or text markup. So Html is not a programming language ...

Read MoreWordPress Writing Tutorial

WordPress Writing Tutorial

At this step-by-step WordPress tutorial, we are at your service with our WordPress writing tutorials. It may sound confusing to newcomers to the WordPress posting page; and many people only use the public domain. In this session we will look at the items on the post page.In the new WordPress update, the Gutenberg editor replaced the classic editor, so users will now have to enter their own content into the Gutenberg editor. You may not be familiar with this ...

Read MoreWordPress theme installation tutorial

WordPress theme installation tutorial

When creating an internet business, you need to be careful about proper UX and UI topics. Having a good user experience and a great look requires a great wordpress template. Today we are going to explain the tutorial on installing WordPress templates but before that let's talk about some WordPress templates.For WordPress templates you can look for different layouts for your theme. There are various ways, such as using professional WordPress templates on the Forrest Theme site and other ...

Read MoreThe focal keyword in Yoost SEO

The focal keyword in Yoost SEO

One of the most important things we do in technical SEO is choosing a focal keyword for each page. All of us webmasters want to see Google top the results. But this is only possible by doing a few things. Generate generic content Principal Seo Technique On-Page SEO Off-Page SEO But in any case we should be able to do the technical SEO properly and the best way is to use the SEO SEO. Many friends have encountered problems when ...

Read MoreProducing textual content and tips to follow

Producing textual content and tips to follow

Undoubtedly one of the best ways of internet marketing is content marketing. In this article we are going to explain some very important points you need to make in producing textual content.Generate textual contentNo matter how good and graphically attractive your site is, unless you create good content for your site, you can't drive a large audience to your site. Practically the hassle you put into designing and implementing the site is futile.A great title: both for SEO ...

Read MoreFundraising methods for startups

Fundraising methods for startups

Fundraising methods for startups...Internet businesses, like all businesses, need a set of equipment. In fact, you need a set of equipment in order to provide your users with better services and facilities.Having equipment is one of the essentials of internet businesses. Generally speaking, the higher the utility of your business equipment, the higher the degree of user satisfaction.But keep in mind that the features and equipment of each site are different, and you need to have accurate ...

Read MoreWhat is Email Marketing?

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing or email marketing, which many people mistakenly send to group emails, is one of the most popular methods and is very important in the digital world. The common misconception about email marketing is that we have to buy emails from specific companies or individuals and then send them emails that are usually spam! So email marketing doesn't work! This is quite a misconception. First of all you do not buy an email, in fact different people give you ...

Read MoreSet a goal for your internet business.

Set a goal for your internet business.

Sites and Internet businesses, like any other business, see sales and profits as a constant and more of their primary goals. But competition in the internet space is a little more difficult than usual due to users' quick access to a wide range of information. Usually the user who becomes the customer for your business has come a long way, visited your competitor's sites, viewed different pages and finally decided to buy from you. Now it's better to double-check your ...